
Ghost Gear Program’s Gear Management Survey

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Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) invites you to participate in the Ghost Gear Program’s Gear Management Survey. 

DFO is seeking to evaluate public knowledge of ghost gear (abandoned, lost, or discarded fishing gear) and gather feedback on future plans, measures and tools to prevent and address ghost gear. We invite you to fill out the survey online to have your voice heard.

The survey is available online at:  Share and view ideas: Ghost Gear Program’s Gear Management Survey

The survey opened on October 28, 2024 and will close on November 30, 2024.

Questions or comments can be sent to DFO.GGProgram-ProgrammeEF.MPO@dfo-mpo.gc.ca

Thank you for your participation and interest in addressing Ghost Gear in Canada.

"Notices to Fish Harvesters" for all commercial fisheries are now available online under the Fishery Notices link on the DFO NL Region webpage at Newfoundland and Labrador Region

If you would like to have all "Notices to Fish Harvesters" for commercial fisheries sent directly to you by email please contact Miranda.Pryor@dfo-mpo.gc.ca

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Notice Year
For information, contact:

Connie Dobbin-Vincent
Resource Manager
Tel. (709) 730-4173
E-mail: connie.dobbin-vincent@dfo-mpo.gc.ca 

Opening of Northern cod Fishery for Midshore and Offshore Licence Holders

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DFO advises that the Northern cod fishery will open for licence holders in the midshore and offshore fleets to fish in NAFO Divisions 2J3KL on Sunday, November 3, 2024 at 0600 hours for vessel classes D4, D6, D7, B2, B3, B4, B6, B7, B8, B10, D175, D176, E, F, J, N, O, and R; and is scheduled to close April 15, 2025.

The Regional Director General, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador Region gives notice that Variation Order 2024-282 has been revoked and Variation Order 2024-289 comes into effect on November 2, 2024. 

"Notices to Fish Harvesters" for all commercial fisheries are now available online under the Fishery Notices link on the DFO NL Region webpage at Newfoundland and Labrador Region

If you would like to have all "Notices to Fish Harvesters" for commercial fisheries sent directly to you by email please contact Miranda.Pryor@dfo-mpo.gc.ca

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Notice Year
For information, contact:

Robyn Morris
Senior Resource Manager
Tel: (709) 690-5021
Email: robyn.morris@dfo-mpo.gc.ca


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DFO advises that the Atlantic Halibut hook and line (long line) fishery in NAFO Divisions 4RST, for fixed gear vessels less than 65 feet based in Western NL and Southern Labrador that elected to fish in Period 4, vessel class A291 will now close on November 10, 2024 at 2000 hours.

The Regional Director General, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador Regions gives notice that Variation Order 2024-285 has been revoked and Variation Order 2024-288 comes into effect on November 1, 2024.

"Notices to Fish Harvesters" for all commercial fisheries are now available online under the Fishery Notices link on the DFO NL Region webpage at Newfoundland and Labrador Region

If you would like to have all "Notices to Fish Harvesters" for commercial fisheries sent directly to you by email please contact: miranda.pryor@dfo-mpo.gc.ca

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Notice Year
For information, contact:

Laurie Hawkins
Resource Management
Tel: (709) 649-3549
Email: laurie.hawkins@dfo-mpo.gc.ca


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DFO advises that the Witch flounder (Greysole) fishery for vessels less than 65 feet, using Danish seine (vessel classes C50 and C351), will close in NAFO sub-Division 4Rd - from a line drawn due west of Cape Ray, north to a line drawn due west of Cape St. George on October 30, 2024 at 2000 hours.

The Regional Director General, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador Regions gives notice that Variation Order 2024-123 has been revoked and Variation Order 2024-287 comes into effect at 1600 hours on October 30, 2024.

"Notices to Fish Harvesters" for all commercial fisheries are now available online under the Fishery Notices link on the DFO NL Region webpage at Newfoundland and Labrador Region

If you would like to have all "Notices to Fish Harvesters" for commercial fisheries sent directly to you by email please contact: miranda.pryor@dfo-mpo.gc.ca

Issue Date
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Notice Year
For information, contact:

Laurie Hawkins
Resource Management
Tel: (709) 649-3549
Email: laurie.hawkins@dfo-mpo.gc.ca 

Unit 1 Redfish Opening for NL based harvesters with Reserve Allocation

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DFO advises the Unit 1 Redfish fishery (vessels less than 65 feet) will open to NL based harvesters with Reserve Allocation in Tranche 2 for the following vessel classes C439 and C441.  The fishery will open at 0600 hours on Wednesday, October 30, 2024, and will close at 2400 hours on December 31, 2024.

DFO also advises that a NEW schedule 16A for providing Daily Hail Reports for the Unit 1 Inshore Redfish commercial fishery is available on DFO’s website at: Schedule 16A: DFO approved format

These reports are required to be submitted by email to DFO.Hails65-rapport65.MPO@dfo-mpo.gc.ca .

The Regional Director General, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador Regions gives notice that Variation Order 2024-281 has been revoked and Variation Order 2024-286 comes into effect on October 30, 2024.

"Notices to Fish Harvesters" for all commercial fisheries are now available online under the Fishery Notices link on the DFO NL Region webpage at Newfoundland and Labrador Region

If you would like to have all "Notices to Fish Harvesters" for commercial fisheries sent directly to you by email please contact: miranda.pryor@dfo-mpo.gc.ca

Issue Date
Notice Number
Notice Year
For information, contact:

Nancy Pond
Resource Manager
Tel: (709) 725-6912
Email: nancy.pond@dfo-mpo.gc.ca 

Molluscan Shellfish Harvesting Closure - Significant Rainfall – South Coast and South West Avalon, NL

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Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) advises the public of the closure for the harvesting of all bivalve shellfish including Arctic wedge clams, Atlantic razor clams, Atlantic surf clams, bay quahaugs, northern propeller clams, ocean quahaugs, softshell clam, Stimpson's surf clams, bay mussels, blue mussel, horse mussels, American oysters, bay scallops, Iceland scallops, purple hinge rock scallop, (except sea scallops), northern moon snails, waved whelks, and Stimpson's whelks for recreational or commercial purposes in the following areas effective 1800 hours on October 28, 2024:

From Grey River Point (at Lat 47.57206, Long -57.11779), to a point near Dry Ridge (at Lat 46.79148, Long -53.65891).

As a result, there is reason to believe that the sanitary conditions of the adjacent marine waters may have degraded to the point where accepted water quality standards have been exceeded and the contamination of the water would likely pose a risk to public health if shellfish in the affected area were harvested for consumption.

More detailed information on these closed areas can be obtained from the nearest DFO office or the following website:

The Regional Director General, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador Region gives notice that Prohibition Order NSN-2024-003 comes into effect at 1800 hours on October 28, 2024.

In accordance with Appendix VIII of the CSSP Manual of Operations, these areas must remain closed for a minimum of seven days. There will be a Public Notice when the closure is lifted.

For more information on the Canadian Shellfish Sanitation Program please consult the following website: Canadian Shellfish Sanitation Program (CSSP)

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For information, contact:

Stephen Moyse
Regional Aquaculture Management Officer
Aquaculture Management
Tel. (709) 687-6669
Email: stephen.moyse@dfo-mpo.gc.ca 

Reopening of the Atlantic Halibut Fishery for the Inshore Fixed-Gear Fleet in NAFO Sub-Division 3Ps

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DFO advises that the directed fishery for Atlantic halibut in NAFO Sub-Division 3Ps will reopen to the inshore fixed–gear fleet (fixed-gear vessels less than 65 feet - Vessel Classes A251, A254, A257, A260, A263, A266, A269, A272, A275, and A279) at 0600 hours on Friday, November 1, 2024.  New license conditions are not required.

DFO also reminds harvesters that the retention of Atlantic halibut as bycatch in other open directed groundfish fisheries in 3Ps is authorized at this time.

The Regional Director General, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador Regions gives notice that Variation Order 2024-278 has been revoked and Variation Order 2024-285 comes into effect on October 29, 2024.

"Notices to Fish Harvesters" for all commercial fisheries are now available online under the Fishery Notices link on the DFO NL Region webpage at Newfoundland and Labrador Region

If you would like to have all "Notices to Fish Harvesters" for commercial fisheries sent directly to you by email please contact: miranda.pryor@dfo-mpo.gc.ca 

Issue Date
Notice Number
Notice Year
For information, contact:

Nancy Pond
Resource Manager
Tel: 709-725-6912
E-Mail: Nancy.Pond@dfo-mpo.gc.ca

Greenland Halibut (Turbot) Inshore Longline Test Fishery Closing in 3K & 3L

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DFO advises that the Greenland Halibut (Turbot) Inshore Longline Test fishery in NAFO Divisions 3K and 3L will close on October 26, 2024 at 1600 hours.

The Regional Director General, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador Regions gives notice that Variation Order 2024-214 has been revoked and Variation Order 2024-284 comes into effect on October 26, 2024.

"Notices to Fish Harvesters" for all commercial fisheries are now available online under the Fishery Notices link on the DFO NL Region webpage at Newfoundland and Labrador Region

If you would like to have all "Notices to Fish Harvesters" for commercial fisheries sent directly to you by email please contact: miranda.pryor@dfo-mpo.gc.ca

Issue Date
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Notice Year
For information, contact:

David Small
Senior Area Fisheries Manager
(709) 292-5167

Kelly Firmage-O'Brien
Area Fisheries Manager
(709) 685-0344

Closure of the 2J3KL Northern cod Inshore Fleet

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DFO advises harvesters the inshore allocation for 2J3KL Northern cod fishery has been reached, and will close on Saturday, October 26, 2024 at 1600 hours for vessel classes A283, A292, A295, and A296.

The Department prioritizes safety at sea. If a harvester is unable to retrieve their gear by the close time due to safety, they are advised to contact their local C&P detachment.

The Regional Director General, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador Region gives notice that Variation Orders 2024-277 and 2024-280 have been revoked and Variation Orders 2024-282 and 2024-283 come into effect on October 25, 2024.

"Notices to Fish Harvesters" for all commercial fisheries are now available online under the Fishery Notices link on the DFO NL Region webpage at Newfoundland and Labrador Region

If you would like to have all "Notices to Fish Harvesters" for commercial fisheries sent directly to you by email please contact Miranda.Pryor@dfo-mpo.gc.ca

Issue Date
Notice Number
Notice Year
For information, contact:

Robyn Morris
Senior Resource Manager
Tel: (709) 690-5021
Email: robyn.morris@dfo-mpo.gc.ca

Amended Conditions of Licence for Unit 1 Redfish Fishery

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DFO would like to advise Licence holders for the Unit 1 Redfish fishery (vessels less than 65 feet) for the inshore mobile gear fleet and the Estuary and Gulf shrimp fleet that an incorrect link for the electronic logbooks (ELOGs) was included in their Conditions of Licence.  Amended Conditions of Licence are now available through the National Online Licensing System with the correct link below:   Qualified electronic logbooks (ELOG) client applications

"Notices to Fish Harvesters" for all commercial fisheries are now available online under the Fishery Notices link on the DFO NL Region webpage at Newfoundland and Labrador Region

If you would like to have all "Notices to Fish Harvesters" for commercial fisheries sent directly to you by email please contact: miranda.pryor@dfo-mpo.gc.ca

Issue Date
Notice Number
Notice Year
For information, contact:

Nancy Pond
Resource Manager
Tel: (709) 725-6912
Email: nancy.pond@dfo-mpo.gc.ca