DFO advises anglers that the following rivers will re-open to normal angling hours as of one hour before sunrise on August 31, 2024.
Salmon Fishing Area 6
71. *Bellevue River, Trinity Bay
Salmon Fishing Area 7
72. Salmon Cove River, Conception Bay
73. *North River, Conception Bay
Salmon Fishing Area 10
89. South East River (Placentia) &tributary streams
90. *Northeast River, Placentia
Salmon Fishing Area 12
125. Grandy’s River, including Top Pond Brook
Salmon Fishing Area 13
135. Bear Cove River, including Billy’s Pond Brook
136. Little Codroy River, including Cooper’s Brook, Southern Brook & Western Brook
137. *Great Codroy River, including Broom Brook, Ryan’s Brook & Mullchingnic Brook;
the North Branch of Great Codroy, including Upper Brook, Lower Brook & Crooked Brook;
the South Branch of Great Codroy, including Bullhouse Brook
138. *Highlands River & tributary streams
139. *Crabbe’s River & tributary streams
140. *(Middle) Barachois River & tributary streams
141. *Robinson’s River & tributary streams
142. Fischell’s Brook & tributary streams
143. Flat Bay Brook & tributary streams
144. *Little Barachois Brook & tributary streams
145. *Southwest and Bottom Brooks & tributary streams
146. *Harry’s River, including Spruce Brook, Little George’s, Meadows Brook, Pinch Gut River, Stag Hill Brook & Gull Pond Brook
147. Fox Island River & tributary streams
148. Serpentine River & tributary streams
*indicates river has closed sections (reference Anglers’ Guide 2024-25)
For more information please visit the In Season River Status website at In-Season River Status
The Regional Director General, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador Region gives notice that 2024-237, 2024-238, 2024-239, 2024-240 and 2024-241 have been revoked and Variation Orders 2024-243, 2024-244, 2024-245, 2024-246 and 2024-247 come into effect on August 31, 2024.
"Notices to Anglers" are now available online under the Fishery Notices link on the DFO NL Region webpage at Newfoundland and Labrador Region
If you would like to have all "Notices to Anglers" for recreational fisheries sent directly to you by email please contact: miranda.pryor@dfo-mpo.gc.ca