Notice description
DFO is seeking ‘Expressions of Interest’ from eligible scallop harvesters interested in applying for access to a limited amount of remaining scallop quota in the North Bed.
Eligible fish harvesters must contact DFO through the National Online Licensing System (NOLS) to express their interest in obtaining a permit and if required, a draw will be conducted.
Please note that NEW Conditions of Licence (COLs) will be issued to eligible recipients that indicate a specified Catch Limit.
Your NOLS request must be received by 1600 hours, August 12, 2024, in order to be included in the process.
Requests received after this time will not be accepted.
The North Bed is defined as that portion of Scallop Fishing Area 11, bounded by a line connecting the following coordinates:
46 degrees 30.0 minutes North latitude, 57 degrees 28 minutes West longitude to
46 degrees 30.0 minutes North latitude, 56 degrees 46 minutes West longitude along the Canada/France boundary to
46 degrees 23.0 minutes North latitude, 56 degrees 29 minutes West longitude to
46 degrees 14.0 minutes North latitude, 56 degrees 29 minutes West longitude to
46 degrees 14.0 minutes North latitude, 57 degrees 28 minutes West longitude to
46 degrees 30.0 minutes North latitude, 57 degrees 28 minutes West longitude.
Fish harvesters are reminded that fishing is not permitted in the Middle Bed, Southern Bed, or the Core Area. These areas are defined in your licence conditions.
Fish harvesters are reminded that they must have at-sea observer coverage services arranged before commencing fishing.
"Notices to Fish Harvesters" for all commercial fisheries are now available online under the Fishery Notices link on the DFO NL Region webpage at Newfoundland and Labrador Region
If you would like to have all "Notices to Fish Harvesters" for commercial fisheries sent directly to you by email please contact:
For information, contact: