Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Notice Number
Issue Date

4R Herring - Change to Management Measure

In consultation with industry representatives, the Department will be implementing a pilot small fish protocol for the 4R Herring fishery. Please be advised that the small fish protocol will be implemented for the >65' purse Seine Fleet only at this time.  

The Regional Director-General, Newfoundland and Labrador Region, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, hereby revokes the Newfoundland and Labrador Region Percentage of Minimum Length Variation Order 2022-045, issued on May 3, 2022 and issues annexed Orders 2022-258 and 2022-259, varying the percentage of minimum length for herring in Herring Fishing Areas 12, as well as Herring Fishing Areas 13 and 14. All licence holders must review their new conditions to determine minimum size and percentage for their fleet.

This measure is effective as of 1600 hours December 23, 2022. New conditions are available through the National Online Licencing System and are required for all 4R Herring fish harvesters.

For information, contact:

Laurie Hawkins
Resource Management
Tel: 709-637-4310