Fisheries and Oceans Canada
3Ps Inshore Fixed-Gear Cod Fishery Opening
DFO advises that the directed Cod fishery in NAFO Sub-Division 3Ps will open to inshore fixed gear fleets at 0600 hours on Wednesday, May 15, 2024.
A Conservation Harvesting Plan that outlines management measures for the inshore fixed-gear sector for cod and other groundfish in 3Ps will be made available online at a later date at Fisheries Management Decisions for Atlantic Canada, Quebec and the Arctic - 2024.
Licence fees and licence conditions are available on the National Online Licencing System. (NOLS)
DFO wishes to remind inshore fixed-gear harvesters that as outlined in their conditions of licence, all cod caught, whether from directed catch or by-catch, will be charged against the harvester’s IQ for their licence in 3Ps. Once a harvester has caught their cod IQ, whether it is a result of directed fishing or as by-catch, the harvester must cease fishing for all species of groundfish in 3Ps for the remainder of the year.
DFO will closely monitor landings from the directed 3Ps cod fishery. This fishery may close to the individual inshore fixed-gear fleets once they reach their respective fleet allocations and will close to the entire inshore fixed-gear sector once the sector’s allocation is reached.
"Notices to Fish Harvesters" for all commercial fisheries are now available online under the Fishery Notices link on the DFO NL Region webpage at Newfoundland and Labrador Region
If you would like to have all "Notices to Fish Harvesters" for commercial fisheries sent directly to you by email please contact:
Jodi Riggs-Power
Resource Management
Tel: 709-279-7626