Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Notice Number
Issue Date

Buddy-up Applications Available for Capelin Harvesters in a Portion of 3K

DFO wishes to advise fixed gear capelin license holders with homeports in Green Bay and the portion of White Bay from Hampden to Cape John that the 2023 buddy-up applications are available.

Harvesters can request these forms by submitting a request through NOLS Submitting a Request and Checking the Request Status: Step-by-Step

- Select Submit Request

- Select Request Type – Partnership/Pooling/Buddy Up

- Enter “Capelin Buddy-up Application” in the comments section

Please note that Buddy-up Applications MUST BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED each year PRIOR to the start of the 2023 capelin fishing season.

"Notices to Fish Harvesters" for all commercial fisheries are now available online under the Fishery Notices link on the DFO NL Region webpage at Newfoundland and Labrador Region

If you would like to have all "Notices to Fish Harvesters" for commercial fisheries sent directly to you by email please contact:

For information, contact:

Terri Healey
A/Area Fisheries Manager
(709) 772-5845

Kelly Firmage-O’Brien
Area Fisheries Manager
(709) 685-0344