Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Notice Number
Issue Date

Reminder - SFA 4 and 5 Shrimp Fishery is Open

DFO reminds harvesters that the inshore Shrimp fishery in Shrimp Fishing Areas (SFAs) 4 and 5 for vessels less than 100 feet, is open.

License Conditions will be provided directly to license holders.

Fish Harvesters are reminded that at-sea observer coverage must be arranged before fishing, and the letter of arrangement must be attached to your licence.

"Notices to Fish Harvesters" for all commercial fisheries are now available online under the Fishery Notices link on the DFO NL Region webpage at Newfoundland and Labrador Region

If you would like to have all "Notices to Fish Harvesters" for commercial fisheries sent directly to you by email please contact:

For information, contact:

Mark Simms
Senior Area Resource Manager
Labrador Area Office