Anglers' Guide 2024-2025 - Salmon



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MAP for Salmon Fishing Areas (SFAs) and Detachments

Disclaimer: This map is a visual guide and not a legal depiction. Refer to the applicable Regulations and Acts for interpreting and applying law.

Insular Newfoundland: Salmon Fishing Areas 3 -14A

Labrador: Salmon Fishing Areas 1, 2, & 14B


Angling on scheduled salmon rivers is permitted only between one hour before sunrise and one hour after sunset. Anglers may angle for salmon year-round in Coastal Waters.

Summer Angling

Insular Newfoundland
SFA 3 - 8 Cape Bauld to Cape Race June 1 Sept. 7
SFA 9 - 12 Cape Race to Cape Ray June 1 Sept. 7
SFA 13 Cape Ray to Cape St. Gregory June 1 Sept. 7
SFA 14A Cape St. Gregory to Cape Bauld June 1 Sept. 7
SFA 1 - 2 Labrador North and East June 15 Sept. 15
SFA 14B L’Anse au Clair to Cape Charles June 15 Sept. 15


Some individual rivers may have different opening and closing dates. Check the Watershed Management Plans section for details. For a complete description of Zones, see the Newfoundland and Labrador Scheduled Salmon Rivers map included in this guide.

Fall Angling: September 8 – October 7, 2024

Gander River, Exploits River and Humber River

  • Catch-and-Release angling as follows:
    • main stem of Lower Exploits River, from Stoney Brook to river mouth;
    • main stem of Lower Humber River, from Boom Siding (outlet of Deer Lake) to lower end of Shellbird Island;
    • main stem of Gander River from outlet on Gander Lake to river mouth.
  • Angling not permitted on any tributaries of these rivers.
  • Fall Angling retention on the main stem of the lower Gander River will be subject to the in-season review.

Retention Limits


Retention Limits
River Classification Retention Limit Tag Color Tag #
Class 0 0 N/A N/A
Class 2 One fish Red 1
Class 4 Two fish Red/Green 1, 2
Class 6 Two fish Red/Green 1, 2
Unclassified (SFA 1 and 2) Two fish Red/Green 1, 2
Non-scheduled Waters 0 N/A N/A

Anglers may not retain salmon caught in coastal waters at any time.

Retention of salmon is not permitted on non-scheduled waters.